An altar space poppet doll is a handmade, often hand sewn doll representing a person, in spellwork. It can be used for spell casting and aiding you through magic.
If you’re not a witchy person, no problem!
These don’t have to be made just for spell work. The first one I ever created was for my altar but it looks a little off so I use it as a needle and pin cushion (while I work on more poppets). I fell so quickly in love with these, that I’ve made more for many different uses. It can also be a voodoo doll, wreath decoration, keychain, or used in other decorative ways.
Altar space poppets can be made from many different materials and fabrics. For beginners, felt is usually the easiest to work with. Felt is relatively cheap and available in multiple colors. If making the poppet for yourself, choose a color that represents you or goes with your space / intention.
Check out the materials you need and the steps to make these adorable altar space poppet dolls.
- Felt – 2 colors (doll and heart)
- Embroidery needle
- Thread or embroidery floss
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Buttons (optional)
- Polyester fiberfill or cotton balls
- Herbs, flowers, crystals (optional)

If you are making a poppet or multiple poppets for spell work, gather the materials you need for your recipe. Choose dried herbs or flowers that represent your intentions and put them inside with the filling, before sewing the poppet closed.
Instructions to make your own altar space poppet:
This project is relatively easy to make. I like to gather my materials, cut all the felt for all the poppets I’m making and sit my butt in front of a good TV show or movie and assemble these cuties. So to start, gather your materials from the supply list.
Sketch out your doll figure on one piece of felt or fabric, cut it out and trace it onto the next piece. If making multiple, create a template on a thick poster board or cardstock to save time. Cut out a heart shape from another piece of felt, and grab some buttons. I made mine with one button eye and one sewn eye, it looks adorable.

Before we sew the top and bottom together, let’s add the details that pull this all together. Sew the heart to the front of a piece of felt. Make a face by using the thread to create a mouth and eye and attaching a button for the other eye. Here you can omit buttons or make both eyes from the buttons, whichever you like best.
Put the two pieces of felt together and stitch around the edges. Depending on how small your poppet is, you may want to stuff the legs and arms as you sew those areas, making it easier to put the stuffing into those tight spots. When you are almost complete, add in your herbs and flowers (optional) then more stuffing before sewing it closed and finishing it off.

Imbuing your poppet
At this point, you can use your altar space poppet as intended, for pagan, wicca or witchcraft. You can imbue it with your intentions for spell crafting, imbuing is optional, for us witches out there.
As for my process, I love to clear my space when I’m cleansing my altar, charging my crystals and/or imbuing something with intention, like my magical potions. This is a fun and relaxing, personal time for me.
If you’re not the witchy type, that’s okay!! These are so cute, I know I’m using mine in more ways than just in my altar.

If you created this art project, I would love to see how it turned out. Feel free to share with me on my social media. @EmjaybeeDesign #EmjaybeeDesign
Here’s to craft projects that inspire you to break out your creative and crafty side while making life beautiful!
♥ Megan
Before you leave, be sure to check out the rest of my creative blog for more projects, crafts and other fun stuff.
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